Thursday, September 18, 2008

Reiterate JavaFX Again

Today our servers being physically transported to the new office site. Initially I planned to fix things before leaving to Bangkok, but the moving coincide with my planned date. 
So today I spend my half day in the morning exploring JavaFx again.

I went back to my NetBeans 6.1 installation which is a bit dusty because I haven't touched it for a such long time.

I followed the JavaFX Clock application step by step and it works as advertised. For a Java developer the learning curve for JavaFX is not steep. Even considering the vast number of open source Java libraries lying around, it is an advantage!

I still am able to use the whole java.lang.* while using the javafx.application.* packages.

Before using the NetBeans version, I followed the Chuk Mun Lee's tutorial on the recent Sun Developers' Network 2008, which was using JavaFXPad. JavaFXPad is ok, only the code formatting and cut-and-paste feature is pretty much limiting. NetBeans has much better support as an IDE, you could even start to develop your JavaFX application.

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